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Training videos

Tobii Dynavox EM-12 with Snap Core First

EM-12 product support

Global End of Sale Notification – As of February 28th, 2023, the EM-12 will no longer be available for sale.

Setting up your EM-12 device for the first time or looking for support and training guidance? Find video tutorials and other useful training resources.

  • Training videos
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Training videos

  • Training videos
  • Downloads


Browse our video library for visual learning on the I-Series.

Young woman using a Tobii Dynavox I-Series device with her caregiver

Featured training videos

Browse the video resources available for the EM-12 device and related communication software.

Set up your device

Set up TD Snap

Overview of Communicator 5

Back up your files

Training resources

We offer many product training opportunities, including live events, on-demand courses and recorded webinars.

Tobii Dynavox I-series tutorial video

Live training events

Meet the experts at upcoming live on-location and virtual events featuring a wide range of topics.

Tobii Dynavox live training event

On-demand training

Browse our library of self-guided resources, many of which provide ASHA continuing education units.

Tobii Dynavox myTobiiDynavox website

Connect and share

A cloud-based resource for managing your apps and sharing with your communication team.

The Tobii Dynavox Configuration Manager to reset Windows settings to factory. Use this with Windows 10 Professional only.