
  • Overview
  • Professionals





  • Overview
  • Professionals


  • Overview
  • Professionals

A powerful resource

A free, cloud-based resource for backing up and managing your Tobii Dynavox apps and connecting and sharing among your communication team, including family, educators, clinicians and the communicator.

Young woman with cerebral palsy and her family work together as an AAC communication team


Safely store back-ups of all personalized Tobii Dynavox content in one place. Ensure access to all custom pages and tools for the entire communication team, anytime, anywhere. Quickly and easily setup communication boards, page sets and other resources.


Grant access to anyone on your communication team to connect and share seamlessly online, including SLPs, relatives and teachers.

Teacher and student safely store their MyTobiiDynavox progress

Easily share content between eachother through MyTobiiDynavox


Access an entire community of clinicians, technical experts, and other families dedicated to communication success too. Get expert feedback, customer support and clinical best practices from a community.

Help for SLPs

Tobii Dynavox for Professionals is a free service offered within myTobiiDynavox specifically for speech-language pathologists and other clinicians.

Tobii Dynavox Speech language pathologist working with client on TD Snap

Free software

Get free access to TD Snap, Communicator, Compass and Gaze Viewer software, which can be used during AAC evaluations and therapy sessions to help better serve and understand client needs.

Free resources

Enjoy access to free therapy supports, evaluation and report planning and writing templates, lesson plans, myth buster handouts and other research designed to help make your job more efficient.

Clinicians working with templates downloaded from myTobiiDynavox

Interaction with Tobii Dynavox clinical team via myTobiiDynavox

Peer community

Interact with a dynamic community of your peers and the Tobii Dynavox clinical and technical teams. Get answers, share best practices, and consult with experts for useful advice.

How to get it

Registration for a myTobiiDynavox Professional account is simple and free of charge.

MyTobiiDynavox interface showing professionals link

Free and simple

Sign up for a free account and select the Professionals option. If you already have a myTobiiDynavox account, simply click on the Professionals link and enter your credentials to request professional access.

How to get it

Registration for a myTobiiDynavox Professional account is simple and free of charge.

MyTobiiDynavox interface highlighting Professionals section

Free and simple

Sign up for a free account and select the Professionals option. If you already have a myTobiiDynavox account, simply click on the Professionals link and enter your credentials to request professional access.