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Activities-to-Go are for everyone, including educators, speech-language pathologists and even parents. Jump start your teaching and maximize student learning with this printable activity featuring PCS® (Picture Communication Symbols). These activities are available free of charge. Simply download, print and go.


Boost Learning

Use Boardmaker Activities-to-Go to fire up your teaching and boost student engagement. For even more activities and topics, try Boardmaker 7.

Teacher displaying Boardmaker Activities-to-Go to students

All levels

Engage communicators at any level with:

  • Differentiated content levels
  • Vocabulary activities
  • Vivid photo illustrations
  • Matching activities

All students

Personalize resources for every learner such as:

  • Board games
  • Visual supports
  • Visual schedules
  • Concept web
Teacher instructing student with Activities-to-Go print outs

Activities-to-Go printed AAC sheets

All together

Work alongside your learners with fun and engaging activities, including:

  • Hidden picture activity
  • Craft to celebrate learning
  • Collection of speech/language activities
  • Collection of communication supports