• Overview
  • Specifications


Accessible Literacy Learning (ALL)

The ALL™ Reading Program is an evidence-based approach designed to teach basic reading skills to nonverbal students who require augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Students can learn using the access method that works best for them: touch, eye gaze or scanning. It's available on many platforms and devices including Windows and iOS, and our I-Series and I-110 devices.

  • Overview
  • Specifications


  • Overview
  • Specifications

The ALL approach

ALL enables students to bypass oral responses at all stages of instruction, allowing even the most challenged students to learn to read.

Tobii Dynavox Accessible Literacy Learning Teacher Mode featured on an iPad

A comprehensive reading program

ALL teaches the six foundational skills of reading:

  • Sound-Blending – Build words by blending component sounds
  • Phoneme Segmentation – Break words down to individual sounds
  • Letter-Sound Correspondence – Recognize sounds by their letters and vice versa
  • Single Word Decoding – Use letter-sound connection to sound out words
  • Sight Word Recognition – Recognize a word without sounding it out
  • Shared Reading – Take meaning from text to relate to prior knowledge

Why it's unique

Students learning using Tobii Dynavox ALL software on iPads


ALL software is available for use on the technology you already have – iPads, Windows operating systems, and Tobii Dynavox I-Series, I-110 and Indi devices.

Student tracking

ALL tracks student responses during sessions, so you don’t have to. Tracking is available for an unlimited number of students with the ability to adjust and customize instruction, and review overall and individual results for each session.

A student and teacher reading with Tobii Dynavox ALL

Student practicing sound blending with Tobii Dynavox ALL on an iPad

Instruction modes

ALL has three modes of instruction:

  • Independent and Practice Modes provide instructions and prompting to learners for more independent work
  • Teacher Assisted mode lets the teacher do all or some instruction & prompting, with ALL doing the rest

Custom instruction

Customizing instruction in ALL is easy and helps to increase or maintain the learner’s interest. You can do so by entering words about topics of interest to your student and creating custom books, directly in the app.

A teacher customizing their Tobii Dynavox ALL software for their student

Student and teacher using Tobii Dynavox ALL to read together

Student insight

Viewing a student's progress is important. ALL tracks student progress in a straightforward way, making it easy to quantify instructional goals and prepare Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).

Seasonal books

ALL contains over 40 seasonal reading books to help students participate in and read about time-relevant topics while working to build literacy skills.

Teacher and student reading seasonal book

Tobii Dynavox Accessible Literacy Learning 40+ original shared reading books

In the package

One ALL license includes:

  • ALL Software
  • Progress reporting
  • One installation with unlimited student seats
  • Embedded video help
  • Electronic user manual
  • A free myTobiiDynavox account for managing users
  • 40+ original shared reading books


Tobii Dynavox Accessible Literacy Learning (ALL) logo

Accessible Literacy Learning for iPad

Tobii Dynavox Accessible Literacy Learning (ALL) logo

Accessible Literacy Learning for Windows

System Requirements

Operating system

iOS 7.0 or later (iPad 1 is not supported)

Available storage

250 MB

Operating system

Windows 7, 8, 9, 10

Available storage

250 MB


1 GB